The Harfield Village Association (HVA) is a very active, dedicated and involved civic association playing its part to ensure the wellbeing of residents in the area, and seeking to build and strengthen community, both in Harfield Village but also extending a friendly hand to neighbouring areas.

Harfield is indeed a small village with a big heart. Please join us, and help the HVA to expand and improve our impact.

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As all who live in Harfield know, we live in a unique, vibrant village with a significant cultural heritage and a connected community. That’s why we need to work hard to preserve the character of our special neighbourhood.

HVA will be doing an educational campaign on the municipal by-laws that govern our area and help to keep our area special.

The first of these is the municipal by-law governing the conservation and protection of existing mature and established trees. Not only do trees provide shade in summer and shelter us from the wind, they also green and beautify our streets and homes, providing a tranquil environment for relaxation and enjoyment, whilst adding value to our properties.

Let’s keep it that way.


If there is a mature tree causing damage to buildings or property and you need assistance, please contact Paul Barker at or submit a service request via the City’s C3 notification system and customer call centre at 0860 103 089 or online at

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